Invisalign Aligners

What Is Aligner Treatment?

Platinum Elite Invisalign Provider Perth

Aligner treatment is an orthodontic technique in which a series of clear aligners progressively straighten the teeth. The aligners are changed every one to two weeks and are usually worn 22 hours a day for best results.

Treatment often requires the use of tiny attachments or ‘buttons’ that help the aligners to grip the tooth and move it more effectively.

Elastics and other additions are sometimes required, along with careful monitoring of progress. This is why clear aligner treatment should be administered by a specialist orthodontist in most cases. 

Due to the nature of clear aligner treatment, it is not recommended for every single case. It would also be less effective if a patient was not disciplined in wearing them. Please enquire with your Doctor during your consultation should you wish to find out if you are suitable for this type of treatment.

Contact us on 9371 6088 to reserve your free Aligners Assessment